Monday, June 27, 2011

Charlie's Photo Shoot, 7 months old. 6/27/11

This little boy was a joy to work with.  He was full of smiles, and we had such a blast together.  I can't wait to take his one year old pictures!

Email me to schedule a session today!

Scarlett's Photo Shoot, 2 years old, 6/27/11

This photo shoot was a difficult one.  Miss Scarlett was no interested at all in getting her photos taken today.  However, between her father and I, I think that we got some classic shots of her just being herself.

Email me to schedule a session today!

Meet the photographer

Mechanicsburg, PA, United States
First and foremost, I am the mother of three wonderful children, with another little boy on the way in October. Photography has always been a passion of mine, but after so many people have made comments that I should go "professional", I talked my husband into getting me a nice camera (Canon Rebel XS), so that I can start to take things more seriously. I love what I do, and I love capturing special moments for people.

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