Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Ella, 6 months old

What a beautiful little girl.  The shoot started out a little rough, Ella decided that she wanted to hit stranger danger the day that she met me, but we worked through it and got some gorgeous photos.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Montana's Photo Shoot, 4 years old, 723/11

This little girl was a joy to work with.  She loved getting her pictures taken, and I loved taking them for her.

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Kulczyckyj family, 7/22/11

This was a beautiful family to work with.  The little boy did not like having his pictures taken at all, but I got a few good ones of him :)

Meet the photographer

Mechanicsburg, PA, United States
First and foremost, I am the mother of three wonderful children, with another little boy on the way in October. Photography has always been a passion of mine, but after so many people have made comments that I should go "professional", I talked my husband into getting me a nice camera (Canon Rebel XS), so that I can start to take things more seriously. I love what I do, and I love capturing special moments for people.

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