Monday, July 18, 2011


I am working with very low prices at the moment, because I am trying to build up my portfolio. 
I charge a session fee of $40.00.  This session fee will cover travel, two hours for the photo shoot (may be more or less depending on the children’s needs), and post editing of the pictures.  For an additional fee of ten dollars, a high resolution disk of all images will be available to purchase.
Here is a list of prices for prints.  I utilize a lab that specializes in printing pictures of people.  You cannot get the quality that this lab will produce from a Kodak printer at Wal-Mart.  I highly recommended that you utilize me to get your prints, especially the larger ones. If you want to take advantage of this sale, book your session now!
New Prices Effective 7/29/2011

Here is a list of prices for prints.  I utilize a lab that specializes in printing pictures of people.  You cannot get the quality that this lab will produce from a Kodak printer at Wal-Mart.  I highly recommended that you utilize me to get your prints, especially the larger ones.

Wallets (set of four) $4.00
3.5 x 5 (one print) $1.75
4x6 (one print) $2.00
5x7 (one print) $3.00
8x10 (one print) $9.00
10x13 (one print) $12.00
11x14 (one print) $17.00
Trimmer Photography now offers greeting cards for sale!  Available in quantities of 12, 24 or 36.   All cards come with enveolpes.  Don't see the design you are looking for?  Just ask!
Greeting Cards:
12: $10.00
24: $15.00
36: $20.00
Please add $6.00 for all orders to cover the cost of shipping.  All prints will be shipped to my house, so that I can carefully inspect them to make sure that they meet my high standards.  I will then contact you when they are ready for pick up.
Please note, due to the sizing difference of different size prints, Pictures will end up being edited at the photographers discretion.  Thank you.
Email me to schedule a session today!

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Meet the photographer

Mechanicsburg, PA, United States
First and foremost, I am the mother of three wonderful children, with another little boy on the way in October. Photography has always been a passion of mine, but after so many people have made comments that I should go "professional", I talked my husband into getting me a nice camera (Canon Rebel XS), so that I can start to take things more seriously. I love what I do, and I love capturing special moments for people.

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